such an amazing peac sitting here if we quash this the city will just let it sit and it will be demolished simple as that. and in its current state theres no way to make a sustainable project inless u can convince the city to put money out and the province asap to make it into a industrial heritage museum thats tied in with the manitoba museum let this project go through ( i am a former resident of north point douglas and now a resident of the exchange) and have seen this thing from early concept to where its at now this has potential to be a very unique project im all for thats just my opinion as ur group has ur own as well just shareing thoughts but please if u want to get a stir going i could think of better things to make a fuss over such as the parking garage the city flip flops over on james witch is hurting conversion projects in the area... or a building thats being left to rot on banatyne and princess.......... we need a new city councle and mayor and i am tired of it.. anyhow peac adrian
such an amazing peac sitting here if we quash this the city will just let it sit and it will be demolished simple as that. and in its current state theres no way to make a sustainable project inless u can convince the city to put money out and the province asap to make it into a industrial heritage museum thats tied in with the manitoba museum let this project go through ( i am a former resident of north point douglas and now a resident of the exchange) and have seen this thing from early concept to where its at now this has potential to be a very unique project im all for thats just my opinion as ur group has ur own as well just shareing thoughts but please if u want to get a stir going i could think of better things to make a fuss over such as the parking garage the city flip flops over on james witch is hurting conversion projects in the area... or a building thats being left to rot on banatyne and princess.......... we need a new city councle and mayor and i am tired of it.. anyhow peac